6 Best Digital Marketing Channels to Prioritize in 2024
A marketing channel is a means by which a producer gets to a consumer with their product or services. The best way to leverage available marketing channels is by fine-tuning them to meet your business objectives. The following are 6 of the best digital marketing channels for you to prioritize...
Mar 1, 2021
A marketing channel is a means by which a producer gets to a consumer with their product or services. The best way to leverage available marketing channels is by fine-tuning them to meet your business objectives. The following are 6 of the best digital marketing channels for you to prioritize in 2024:

Social Media Marketing
With over 3 billion people currently using social media worldwide, it leaves no doubt that the various media platforms are the perfect digital sales channel for seasoned and upcoming entrepreneurs. However, before you begin crafting SMM campaigns, evaluate your business objectives and develop a practical strategy. Otherwise, you’ll be putting in effort with little to no return.

Influencer Marketing 
According to numerous marketers, influencer marketing generates high-quality traffic as a form of advertising, making it an effective way to get your products to your target audience. Influencer marketing effectiveness stems from the high level of trust that influencers have built with their following. In reality, the audience could care less about your brand since they only care about the influencer's opinion. Thus, recommendations from them are usually a form of social proof to the credibility of your brand.

Search Engine Optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) works on the idea of exposing your website, content, or products out there to a specific audience. More visibility means more traffic, which allows you to build a relationship with prospects by positioning yourself as an authority and expert in your field and eventually converting them to customers. While it may take time to realize its fruits, SEO is one of the best marketing channels with a high conversion rate.

Email Marketing
As global email usage continues to grow, Email marketing campaigns continue to have a considerable return on investment if applied correctly. Email marketing allows brands and companies to keep their customer base informed through tailored marketing messages when used correctly. However, it can also turn into a nightmare and drive customers away with insistently annoying spam emails.

Video Marketing
Video marketing is gaining popularity with advancements in mobile devices and technology. It's a compelling marketing strategy since using visuals to advertise and market your brand increases engagement and educates your audience via digital media. With more consumers relying more on visuals to see what a brand is offering, there's no denying that video marketing is the future of content marketing.

Podcasting allows brands and companies to tell their story in their way from anywhere to help establish authority as experts in their fields and eventually garner brand advocates. As a one-way medium, podcasting is an excellent way to chat with fans, get ideas for future content, and connect with a new audience. With over half of the U.S population listening to podcasts, you can either host a podcast, be a guest, or invite influencers in your niche to promote brand visibility and credibility.

Finding the right digital marketing channels that work for your brand can feel overwhelming at first. At De Novo Digital, we have a ton of experience in digital marketing. We offer various resources to help you acquire digital marketing knowledge to steer your business to the next level through the right marketing channels. Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a free consultation!