Waldorf School of San Diego
A school system on a mission to awaken each student’s capacity for love of learning, independent thinking, and heartfelt service to the world.
Web Design & Development
The focus of everything The Waldorf School of San Diego does is on the development of the whole human being. The curriculum encourages a love of learning, independence, creative thinking, moral maturity, and high self-esteem for students from early childhood through high school. The school has been operational since 1982, and the principles of Waldorf education have been around for much longer.

Yet, for many, the institution remains elusive. Enrollment and retention remain the biggest challenges for the school, and an effective marketing and branding strategy was needed to ensure the longevity of the school system. The Waldorf School of San Diego hired De Novo Digital to determine how its existing website was performing and how to enhance its online presence.
User Experience
The school system's website was outdated and lacked functionality. Not only was the website difficult to navigate for users, especially on mobile, but the tracking metrics were set up incorrectly. The site was supposed to be a resource for prospective parents and a lead-capture tool for the school. It wasn't effectively serving either of those needs.
Redesign. Restructure. Refocus. The agency redesigned the site to be mobile-friendly and added new widgets to increase functionality and visual appeal. The navigation menu was reorganized, and page URLs were restructured to list the navigation category and page name. Additional resources were added to the site for parents, and contact forms with the correct tracking codes were integrated.
The site reports longer page times, multiple page views per visit, a 25% bounce rate decrease YoY, and increased lead capture. Metrics now provide insight into where visitors come from and their online activity, which the school can leverage to increase its visibility and performance over time.
The school wanted to increase engagement and generate more leads but was unsure how to engage its "prospective" audience. This audience presented a unique challenge because the average person has minimal knowledge of Waldorf schools. In many cases, prejudices and assumptions about the school have formed before a person ever steps on a campus or visits a website.
The Waldorf brand needed to be more accessible to the outside world. Copy was added to the website to address misinformation and explain the school’s differentiators. The website's blog is an insightful tool for parents to learn about the school from the perspective of faculty, staff, and students. The school also launched an outreach podcast called PEP (Parent Education Program) to educate prospective and current parents on the Waldorf Way. The program also invites parents to experience school activities alongside their children.
De Novo Digital strategically implemented the content to boost organic traffic to the site. The site saw overall growth in visits, and users now spend more time per session. The new content continues to educate and advocate for the value of Waldorf education.
The Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges it brought with it were unprecedented. Campus tours had always been a critical piece of the decision-making process for parents and students, but social distancing guidelines barred in-person visits. The administration worried about how this would affect enrollment.
Virtual tours and property videos were great alternatives that could be added and easily accessed from the website. Informational blurbs accompany the interactive maps and images so that parents can enjoy a tour-like experience from the safety of their homes. The media is also used on social platforms to showcase the beautiful campus.
The campus is more visible than it has ever been. Enrollment numbers were not only unaffected but reached capacity for the 2022-23 school year. Though in-person tours are now available, virtual campus tours continue to add value for families navigating various circumstances at any stage of the process.