Working remotely, while convenient, can also make it difficult to establish a good rhythm of work. With the potential for distraction, lack of motivation, and limited access to company resources, workers may find it hard to maintain the same level of productivity they could while in the office. However, studies show that people who work from home with the right habits and environment are actually happier and more productive than their office counterparts. These tips and tricks can help maximize workdays at home and promote a healthy work-life balance.

Pick One Spot to Work In

To ensure that you maximize efficiency in your workday, spend some time creating a remote working environment that works for you. Try to find a quiet and secluded area where you can set up a workstation. 

If you don't have space for that, corner off a portion of your dining table and reserve it for work. Keep it clutter-free by only placing work-related items there. Everything else can be stored underneath or elsewhere. Check that the area has good internet connection, lighting, and seating.

Act Like You're in the Office

Get dressed as if you would go to work. Even just putting on a nice button-down can help your brain switch into work mode.

Begin your official work period at the same time you'd typically get to the office, and finish around the same time you'd leave. While you're working, avoid turning on the TV or doing household chores. This will help you stay productive throughout your workday.

Start Early

An early start means an early end to your workday. Getting extra time to relax and unwind around dinnertime and spending time with family is crucial to avoid burnout while working from home. Plus, getting up early will help you feel more like you're in an office setting.

Create a Schedule For Yourself

When you're home all day, it can be easy to work from morning until night without realizing it. Try creating a schedule to prevent burning out and to maintain a healthy level of productivity and downtime. Create a calendar system that keeps you on track with tasks you want to have completed by the end of the day, week, and month. This will help you gauge your productivity and adjust as needed.

Match Your Music to Your Activity

Music can not only help you concentrate while you work; it can also boost your mood. Invest in a playlist that keeps you happy and focused, and you'll see direct results in the quality and quantity of work you can produce in a day. Keeping a consistent playlist can also train your brain to slip into work whenever those songs come on.

Take Clear Breaks

Take small breaks throughout the day to get snacks or lunch. This will help you recharge. Most importantly, make sure to take weekends off. 

When you're always at home, it can be tempting to pick up your laptop and keep working. But weekends are your time to rest and have fun, and you'll be a better worker on Monday if you take that time for yourself and keep your home life separate.

If you need help with marketing, De Novo Digital can provide guidance and expertise during this period of work-from-home. Contact us for more information on how we can bring your marketing goals to life.