How do companies ensure that they get the most out of their marketing strategy? It's not enough to simply send out blanket emails or make cold calls. The real way to build a lasting customer base is to continue to draw in likely leads and nurture relationships with them in the long term. This marketing strategy is called inbound marketing. This post breaks down how inbound marketing works, and how you can use it to grow your company.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing essentially means leading the customer to you. SEO is a great example of this. Digital content that companies create helps search engines learn what services those companies provide. When people search for similar keywords, search engines will lead them to a company's website. Those people are potential customers that the company can then convert into leads. Other examples of inbound marketing include:

  • Opt-in email campaigns
  • Social media campaigns
  • Blogging & content creation

Why is it important?

People today are constantly inundated with spam emails, advertisements, and viral content. It is easy to unsubscribe from spam or decline cold calls. Traditional marketing methods are no longer as effective because people have become so accustomed to them. Inbound marketing is a worthwhile strategy because it shines through all the noise. It allows companies to target people who already show interest in their services or industry. This leads to a lower cost and a much higher return on investment.

The Flywheel

The flywheel is a business model that emphasizes momentum as a way to grow a company. It uses principles of inbound marketing to bring new customers into the fold and retains and grows that base with good customer service and high-quality products. Here are the three steps that make up the flywheel:

1. Attract

In this stage, companies use relevant and useful digital content to attract potential customers. This could be through social media campaigns, blog posts, and SEO. The main goal is to develop a digital presence and earn viewers' attention through quality and reputable content.

2. Engage

Once the customer is on a company's website, the next step is to create a lasting relationship. The focus here is on creating happy customers rather than generating sales. Customer support, email follow-ups, and free trials are ways to positively impact a customer's experience and create a long-lasting relationship with them.

3. Delight 

Once you have a happy customer, continue to reach out and support them as they achieve their goals. Reaching out for feedback through surveys and offering loyalty programs are great ways to nurture customer relationships and show that you're willing to grow with them in the long run.

If you are a small business looking to create a more impactful digital marketing strategy that will bring in more potential leads, inbound marketing could be the right way to go. Contact us for expert advice on transitioning to the flywheel model and how it can help you grow.