First impressions are everything- and people make them faster than you might think. Studies show that visitors form an opinion about a website in 50 milliseconds. That means you have 0.05 seconds to convince a user that your brand is trustworthy before they bounce. Creating an aesthetic landing page that accurately reflects your brand and mission is essential. These seven tips will take your landing page to the next level.

  1. Know How Users Engage With Your Website
  2. Use Clear CTAs
  3. Keep It Simple
  4. Organize Information
  5. Add Customer Testimonials
  6. Optimize for SEO
  7. A/B Test to Find the Best Design

Know How Users Engage With Your Website

Every brand has a different target audience, with different interests and motivations. Know your users so you can design a landing page that they will engage with the most. Heat maps and scroll maps show you where users are spending most of their time on your landing page. They can also give you an idea of visual patterns that users follow when scanning your site so you can optimize your website to impact viewers. 

Use Clear CTAs

Many businesses have weak calls to action that don't convert customers into leads- or worse, they don't use CTAs at all. A strong call to action has the following characteristics:

Convert customers with free trials, limited-time promotions, and instant gratification. Remember that customers are impatient and always on the hunt for better deals. How can your CTA convince a customer that your product is worth buying right now?

Keep It Simple

38% of viewers will bounce if a website's layout is unattractive. Less is more when it comes to designing a landing page. A cluttered website can overwhelm customers and increase your bounce rate. Even removing something as simple as a navigation menu improved conversions by 100%. Give viewers a sense of your mission with a bold tagline, front, and center. Use vivid imagery to make your site more aesthetically appealing. Focus on one action the user can take to engage with your brand.

Organize Information

The information above the fold gets the most visibility. Keep that in mind, when you design your website: all crucial elements should appear above the fold, especially your CTA button. You should also use that space to motivate users to get involved with your brand. What should they see that will best convince them your products are trustworthy? Be sure to make your contact information visible. A website header or footer is a great place to put it- it'll stick while scrolling, so users will never have trouble finding it. 

Add Customer Testimonials

Testimonials are a great way to build trust and credibility with potential new customers. There are lots of ways to incorporate meaningful testimonials into your landing page. Whichever method you choose, remember these tips:

  • Represent your target audience(s) in the testimonials you showcase.
  • Testimonials should be verifiable: be able to track where the reviews or quotes are coming from.
  • The more specific the praise, the better.

Optimize for SEO

Know how users will come across your landing page in organic search. What keywords will they be using? What are they looking for? Then, incorporate those words into your headline. Every body of text on your page, including your call to action, should be optimized to reflect those keywords. Also, keep in mind that images can contribute to SEO when embedded and formatted correctly.

A/B Test to Find the Best Design

Your landing page will continue to evolve as your brand grows, and you learn more about your customers. A/B testing can help you keep your landing page effective as you grow. Test different customer testimonials, taglines, and CTAs to find what leads to the most user engagement. Make sure you have data that backs up every decision you make for your landing page design, even small things like the color of the CTA button, font size, and layout.

If you are looking for support in creating an effective digital marketing campaign, leave a comment below. We know how important landing pages are for growing brands, and we are experts in SEO and website design. We'd love to help your brand reach more people.